GDT Yo-Yo Videos – Chapters 3 – 5

Editing all the footage from our 4 months on the trail this summer has turned out to be a massive job. The video series has ballooned into what will be eight episodes (from five originally planned) and will total about an hour rather than the 20 minutes I was originally estimating.

Fortunately I’ve been able to make good progress, thanks to continuing unemployment and a return to vanlife in this 1978 GMC Vandura. This beauty has similar amenities as our previous VW Westfalia (heater, fridge, lights) plus it has the headroom to stand up , which is a revelation for remaining sane in a van. While a smidge rusty, the price was right at only 20% of what we sold the Westy for. With rent around $2000/mth for in Coastal BC, “Vinnie” here will pay off in about 8 weeks and should be an easy sell to the dirtbag climbers that will take over Squamish in the spring.


So over the last couple weeks I’ve manage to finish episodes 3, 4 and 5 of our GDT Yo-Yo. Of those, episode 3 is the best:

Episode four has some nice scenery and wildflowers, and chronicles some of the toughest days on the trek:

Our 4K camera (Panasonic ZS100) fried near the mid point of the trek after several days of truly soggy conditions, so we had to film with an iPad Mini for the duration of episode 5. It worked well enough, but we had some amazing wildlife encounters with grizzlies and caribou that would have been captured far better in 4K with 10x optical zoom. In particular, five endangered caribou gave us an amazing, up close look, which the iPad didn’t do justice to at all (see 1 min, 21 sec).

We did pick up a new good camera once we were back in town (Jasper), so the 4K quality will resume for episode six.


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